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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 28, 2021 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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ashley: way too expensive is the reaction on capitol hill, president biden's unveil of his massive $6 trillion budget. we are live in dc with a spending showdown. todd: state department official says no evidence covid 19 he falls naturally. why did the biden administration stop investigating the wuhan lab, the so claim shared exclusively with fox news. jillian: honoring america's heroes, live at the intrepid museum ahead of memorial day
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weekend. "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪♪ todd: two beautiful shots of new york city followed by a beautiful shot of san diego, shania twain in the background as we look at your memorial weekend friday. ashley: very appropriate for kicking off memorial day. todd: even though she is from canada. janice dean and a little bit. you are watching "fox and friends first" friday morning. ashley: today president biden will unveil his massive $6 trillion budget proposal. todd: this will include the largest increase in federal spending since world war ii. griff jenkins joins us with the breakdown.
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>> reporter: going big, the president wants congress to bust open the checkbooks, the gap between his proposal and the gop's a mile wide, $5 trillion to be exact. listen to what is in the president's plan, a major boost for everything from infrastructure, jobs, education, transportation, combating climate change, healthcare to the tune of $6 trillion, the president making the case in cleveland yesterday. >> i believe this is our moment to rebuild and economy from the bottom up in the middle out. not a trickle-down economy. >> reporter: comes as the national debt tops $20 trillion with questions over how congress pays for it. republicans, are offered with a proposal of $928 billion was you can see $506 billion for roads and bridges, $90 billion for public transit, $2 billion for water infrastructure, $46 billion for rails. senatorit both said they sought
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to stick to basics. >> something that stayed true to what our beliefs are, seeking to core physical infrastructure. >> reporter: one agency got left flat, dhs. their budget unchanged from last year's despite a border crisis at levels not seen for two decades. secretary mayorkas will request $4.2 billion for technology, port of entry upgrades and enhanced moderate care. could ask for more later if needed but texas governor greg abbott said this is no time to wait. >> the amount of fentanyl that has been apprehended by the texas to permit of public safety just this year is enough to kill every man, woman and child in the entire state of new york. biden's open border policies have turned into a deadly dangerous situation for all americans.
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>> reporter: this as fox news's latest poll shows 50% of voters support building morbid voter -- border wall that benefited the president's plan nor is it on the table. what if the republicans don't like it and can't agree on something? democrats could use budget reconciliation to go it alone. ashley: thanks so much. todd: vice president kamala harris, microsoft as mastercard to helping causes of migration. the companies agreed to invest in central america's northern triangle with microsoft with internet access and mastercard remains with banking service in the financial system. to give 1 million small businesses access to electronic banking. hackers claim guatemala and mexico next month, no word on the trip to the border. ashley: live look at capitol hill where he just our senators will resume talks on a january 6th commission. a procedural vote to open debate could come today. it was originally scheduled for
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yesterday. it got tangled up in a science and technology bill. the january 6th commission would investigate the capitol rights. 5 people died including brian 6. his mother went to the hill to urge gop senators to support the bipartisan investigation. >> what will be on their minds? >> the country. uphold the constitution. right now i don't think they are doing it. >> reporter: they will start this morning at 9 am eastern. todd: the president with a message to republicans who oppose the january 6th commission. >> republicans prepared to block the january 6th commission. todd: the president answering questions from the press in
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cleveland yesterday including another inquiry about his favorite ice cream flavor. the gop oppose the bill to establish a commission, an investigation into all political violence. ashley: honoring 9 victims killed by a disgruntled worker. coworkers remember them as more than just people they worked with. >> many of these folks works here for 20, 30 years. we do become a family. ashley: the gunman appeared to target some of the victims. new video shows him walking outside the transit facility, held five years ago while returning to the philippines, wall street journal reports about terrorism and fury and manifestos and a book filled with notes on how he hated the transit system. us intelligence officials have a trove of unexamined evidence related to the origins of covid
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19 from a trump era probe that was ended under the biden administration. todd: a former state official leading that investigation speaks out. >> reporter: about-face from the idea of virus evolve naturally in a wuhan wet market where live animals are sold. a government probe last year found almost no evidence that covid 19 came from any kind of natural origin. >> despite the claims a scientific community there was almost no evidence that supported a natural immune not a evolution or source of covid 19. the data stacked up as we investigated it was coming out of a lab or supernatural source.
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>> reporter: the investigators and was launched under the trump administration under the request of mike pompeo. that came to a end under the biden administration. the virus came out of a lab as you heard him say or some supernatural source, not a live animal market as the media had been reporting over the last year. doctor anthony fauci, the wuhan institute of virology is under the microscope, the central focus of investigators moving into the origin of virus. and received funding from none other doctor anthony fauci and the national institutes of health are a nonprofit. doctor fauci is a nazi on capitol hill.
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>> you gave them money and said don't do gain of function research. >> correct. >> you have no way of knowing whether they did or not accept you trust them. is that right? >> we generally always trust the grantee to do what they say -- todd: ever have a grand the lies you? >> i cannot guarantee a grand he has not lied to us. you never know. ashley: tough questions there. president biden has asked intelligence officials to redouble their efforts to find the origins of the virus and produce a report within 90 days. todd: thank you so much. jillian: thousands of servicemembers place american flags on 260,000 head stones at arlington national cemetery. the tradition, a military memorial day remember in celebration. arlington announced they were relaxing covid era restrictions just before memorial day. saying vaccinated visitors will not need to be masked afterwards. todd: guess was, it is time for
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that time of year again, "fox and friends" summer concert series taking off today with country music star bradley gilbert. ashley: he will be performing live in the 8:00 hour and you don't want to miss that. todd: great that it is back, you think of summer you think of "fox and friends," the summer concert series. jillian: lisa maclean reacts to biden at $6 trillion budget, stick around for this. ♪♪ ♪♪ right in the morning ♪♪ ♪♪ small-town throw down ♪♪ age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in...
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be changed this is our moment to rebuilding economy from the bottle up in the middle out.
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not a trickle-down economy. every time i talk about tax cuts for working-class people, oh my god, what are we going to do? we will take back some of that one% money. todd: president biden set to announce a massive $6 trillion budget today that will boost the american middle class. ashley: that plan will cause dental succeed economic output by 117%. lisa maclean joins us to react. thanks for being with us this morning. everyone getting a piece of the pie in this budget. when it comes down to what are we going to be able to pay this back? >> i don't conceivably see how we are going to pay it back. for two reasons. and mathematically does not make sense. number 2. have you ever heard of anyone talking about how to pay this debt back? biden is proposing a 6 trillion
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with a t spending budget on top of he already spent $4 trillion, that is $10 trillion, that is a third of our national debt. todd: watch a news story from a few years ago you see everybody getting fired up about billions and now like you said trillions, not just one but 10. how worried are you that this spending plan will not help all of us but will hurt every single american, not just the one% you heard president biden talking about. >> it is simple economics. you can't spend -- i guess you can -- more than you bring in but you said the number earlier, 117%. how are we going to pay for this? president biden talks about we are going to tax the rich, we
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are going to tax the businesses. okay. let's run that play. two problems with that play. why it doesn't work. one, there's not enough money if you could do that and 2, the producers just stop producing, then what are you going to do? it doesn't make sense. jillian: a lot of people think it is the one% will be affected by this is a trickle-down effect but what is going to take for people to realize to account for things like inflation, what will it take to understand? >> they are not going to understand until it begins to hit them at home in their pocket book which is already happening. gas is over one dollar, chicken is up, it is already happening and we are four months into this new administration. it is happening and i hate to
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say it it gets worse before it gets better. todd: you go to the supermarket, $100 for two bags of groceries, what do i buy? we have to let you go. covid nursing homes candles in many states deepening, gretchen witmer's administration saying the death toll could be doubled the official count. here's what was reported, 5653 and if you double that that is close to 11,000 if not over 11, those are your grandpa and grandma, mothers, fathers, that is more. and the end will we ever know the full scope of the nursing homes candles throughout the nation? >> i don't think so. we are spending more time covering up the issue as opposed to being transparent on the issue. we follow the science when convenient to follow the science but when it is not convenient we don't follow it.
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i feel sorry for the american people especially michiganders. it is a typical do as i say not as i do. it is sad but true. ashley: thank you for your insight and being with us early this morning, we appreciate it. >> have a good day. ashley: the upper west side turned into the wild wild west, disturbing video of the gunfight that broke out in broad daylight. todd: rural kids in georgia have to wear masks next fall, not if one mom has her say. they forced her to take action next. ♪♪ freedom ♪♪ freedom ♪♪ freedom ♪♪
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♪ you are rocking that grill. family: guy fieri? but that pulled pork could taste even better on king's hawaiian slider buns. thanks, guy! (whispers) thank you. my work here is done. everything's better between king's hawaiian bread. there we go. look for this in-store display of king's hawaiian hamburger and hotdog buns for a chance to win a flavortown-inspired hawaiian getaway. can i get another restock on king's hawaiian bread? again. everything's better between king's hawaiian bread.
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todd: appraisal shoot out in new york city, nypd searching for two men in the video share shooting at each other talking behind cars before fleeing. nypd limited details saying one man tried to flee on a scooter. ashley: antonio brown continues to support defunding the police even after a group of kids steal his car. >> i will not press charges against these kids. the reality is this. we need programmatic initiatives to help support these kids to give them another pathway than committing crime. ashley: brown tried to grab the young driver, held on for half a block before letting him go. the police have not found the car yet. the councilman says no member of police officers could have prevented the incident. brown announced he is running to take over for mayor t-shirt bottoms.
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todd: the mask mandate in school. listen. >> we are not going to have a mask mandate for our kids, teachers have had the ability to get vaccinated. doesn't keep anyone from wearing a mask. if parents want their kids to wear a mask or teacher wants to wear a mask if they haven't been vaccinated or even if they have they can certainly do that but the time for mandates is over. >> one mom's fight to make masking optional, founder of moms against mandatory masking, here to join us now. good morning. >> good morning. ashley: you are the founder of the moms against mandatory masking of children, you have 75 members so far. is that going -- i am sorry? >> almost 100. ashley: it is making quick movement. even if you had 300 or 400 is
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that enough? >> i hope so. we are very hopeful that the governor's move. however we understand our county has been slower on restrictions so we are going to stay active and we hope after this we can work together to improve the school district on other issues. todd: your movement started with one of your kids having a reaction to a mask. what happened? >> it was more so all year long of a bacterial infection and that was hard for us to deal with. all year long sending your kids to school to learn the scientific method but not using it when speaking with your own school board or superintendent. ashley: how often do your kids or do you hear of your friends kids complaining about having to
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wear a mask in school? obviously it is affecting their learning ability. >> it absolutely is and social ability because they are not allowed to play like they want to and even in the last week of school when masks were relaxed a little bit the kids were still very be re-. i got a hug from the teacher the last day of school. todd: why do you think pro mask people are so adamant about your position? >> i think the health and safety -- i honestly do. even on the 4 hour walmart and somehow i see more people wearing masks now that there is no mask mandate. more people -- with vaccinations readily available and many people getting them than we did before. it is sad and frightening and i wish our leadership would step up and use this as a educational opportunity rather than a political opportunity.
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ashley: you said you won't stop until they make it makes sense or make it stop. >> make it makes sense to make it stop. they don't want kids wearing in 95s. even though they are not spreaders or most at risk are not even cdc compliant. if it was really a pandemic we wouldn't have the vaccine that wearing masks and if it was really a pandemic we wouldn't see it around us. our numbers don't even show that. ashley: good luck to you. todd: 26 after the hour. rory lightfoot being sued by our reporter who wasn't interviewed for being white. ashley: checking in with janice dean at the intrepid museum with your forecast for memorial day weekend. ♪♪
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. because your derriere deserves expert care. an unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jewsth it.
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and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives.
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no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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>> doomsday mom lori valona determined unfit to stand trial, she's performing a competency evaluation, court proceedings are on hold. conspiracy charges in the death of her fourth husband charles who was shot and killed by lori's brother in 2019, her brother claimed it was in self defense. that charge of not been formalized. maricopa county is reviewing it. there are several charges in a different two kids including murder. ashley: police seeking help after a marine woman vanishes from times square. authorities say she had been visiting the city, she was last seen on surveillance getting into an unknown person's car, she was reported missing in
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maine. the 21-year-old is described as being 5 foot 9 with brown hair and brown eyes, last seen wearing a blue shirt, shorts and orange backpack. todd: two gang members will spend 40 years behind bars after being convicted of murder, this chilling video they are smiling and waving to cameras as they face murder charges in court in 2017. both played guilty to the murder of a 15-year-old girl, killed as part of a satanic ritual. >> the cofounder of black life that are stepping down over controversy over her lavish lifestyle. she is resigning to focus on a book and tv deal but it comes as he faces fears criticism after it was revealed she purchased four homes for $3 million while claiming to train marxists. her exit was planned and relates to scrutiny. todd: so much of keep.
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drivers across multiple plates facing higher prices at the pump this memorial day weekend. >> breaking down how much you could save out of your pocket. >> reporter: you have to drive to each home and that will be a little more expensive. memorial day weekend begins gas prices appear to be on the rise, current average price for a gallon $3.04 which according to aaa, jump of $0.16 month over month, one dollar and $0.08 a gallon, higher than last year. the midwest is getting hit hardest, prices at $2.99 a gallon in indiana, ohio. gas buddy analyst tweeting it appears stations are matching gas prices, rising to $3.09 in michigan, 37 million people expected to travel 50 miles or more over the weekend. todd: you're probably already got gas prices but how cool is this? ashley: the rolls-royce
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unveiling a 19 foot convertible nothing short of jaw-dropping. the boat tailed rolls-royce has a 6.7 liter engine, champagne cooler, dining set, refrigerator and what every car needs on the back, a parasol. todd: who doesn't have a parasol in their car. >> reporter: only three that we know of. a couple in the music industry, one of the buyers, the couple also bought matching washers for the car because you need that. it is rumored to be the most expensive car ever made costing upwards of $19 million. they are not big about releasing the cost of these luxury cars so we estimate $19 million for this thing. ashley: what is going on with this serial? >> reporter: it celebrates
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preferred gender pronouns, they are coded in edible goiter, it is designed to support the lgbt q community and the message in a single box, when selecting pronouns $3 for every box, 140,$000 a nation. and put your pronouns on the side of it. this coincides with pride month which is june so there's a reason behind kellogg's doing it. todd: i went through 13 comments in my head, i'm not going to say any of them because i don't want to deal with them this weekend. ashley: a journalist suing lori lightfoot for her controversial interview joins us next. todd: jade the live at the intrepid with your weather forecast for your memorial day weekend. do not go anywhere. ♪♪
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laura: it is price outside with a good-looking shot heading into memorial day weekend, janice dean is live at the intrepid museum in new york city with our fox weather forecast. todd: nevertheless in the big apple. >> janice: in front of the hudson river and the intrepid museum which is open this weekend. how about that? the fact that we have gone through this pandemic and new york is opening up and we have a beautiful air and sea museum open to the public which is wonderful news and the weather not too bad. it is a cooler than it was
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yesterday, 61 right now. the sun is coming up. it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood, we see the potential for rain later on today around the northeast and for the better part of the weekend on and off showers. let's look at the current temperatures across the country. we had cooler dryer air across the northern plains, the great lakes and the northeast. different from what we felt yesterday and the day before where we were flirting with record highs and potential for showers and thunderstorms across portions of the southeast into the southern plains. the good news is no major severe weather. that is great for the end of may as we wrap up the end of may into june so looking at the forecast today fairly quiet, we see potential for showers across the northeast, parts of the mid-atlantic to the southeast and the plane states. memorial day weekend, the northeast is going to remain
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cool. the mid-atlantic very cool across the northern tier of the country and the southeast and southwest where the warmer temperatures will be this weekend, the heat will build across the northwest over the next week or so. incredible heat moving into this area but the good news out of this we are not going to see a big storm system affect any big chunks of the country as we go through the memorial day weekend. in the northeast a lot of people i like come on, give me a beach forecast but it is going to be cooler. we will see the potential for rain later today into saturday, sunday on and off showers and monday looks good. we will take what we can get and if we can come out to the intrepid museum it is one of the greatest places to really enjoy and appreciate what our military does as we go into memorial day weekend. back to you. ashley: it will be hot in phoenix at 101 degrees.
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todd: chicago mayor lori lightfoot being sued by the daily caller for not granting an interview to a white reporter after tweeting, quote, i am being intentional about prioritizing media requests from people of color, reporters on the occasion of the two year anniversary of my inauguration of mayor of this great city. president of judicial watch tom fitton and daily caller reporter behind the lawsuit join us now. for purpose of taking attendance, you will be tom. what was your reaction when you heard lightfoot say this? >> my reaction at first, thank you for having me this morning, was kind of shock. i think we should live in a country where anyone is treated worse than anyone else, the opportunity that anyone else is otherwise given solely because of race.
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just seeing the policy before any of this, a lot of people out there, i was really surprised an elected official would do something like this. todd: why would a government official think should she could get away with this in the first place? >> we have this crazed woke approach to everything and it is basically designed to discriminate against people because of their race, categorize people by race and in this day and age, have a government official deny access to reporters or any other american based on race is extraordinary. the civil rights lawsuit we filed, the first amendment, a lawn known in a days, the ku klux klan act, it is incredible we have to apply this laws of the mayor of chicago who send out a letter detailing her effort to discriminate on the
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basis of race. this is a racist abuse of power, we can philosophically disagree with this craziness, critical race theory, equity and all that but this is a question of legality. the law has got to address this and this is a matter of differences in philosophy. a question whether rule of law applies to the mayor of chicago. todd: the lawyers a judicial watch, lightfoot created exhibit 1 a in your lawsuit. journalists of all colors have come out against this move by lori lightfoot. do you expect her to walk this thing back? >> i am not sure what she is going to do. all we can do is focus on this case and i feel confident and happy to work with tom and his team to hold her accountable. todd: judicial watch is your organization looking to provide access and expose bias in the system, that is what you do on
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day in and day out basis. have you ever seen anything as blatant as this and if so where? >> know. you have to go back prior to the passage of civil rights laws to find such egregious violations of racial discrimination laws by government officials. you see it in the office of the mayor of chicago, in schools, incorporations, the biden administration is pushing similar policies. practically speaking the justice department should be investigating mayor lightfoot over this racist discrimination. judicial watch has to step in because the government refuses to enforce the law. todd: we reach out to mayor lightfoot's office but have not heard back. thank you so much for getting up with us, enjoy your weekend. ashley: a former us marine facing extradition by the biden administration over accusations
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from north korea, fears that it could mean a death sentence for him, the life report next. pain? yeah. here. aspercreme with max-strength* lidocaine. works fast and lasts. keep it. you're gonna need it. kick pain in the aspercreme
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ashley: president biden facing cosmo to extradite christopher ahn. >> he was a certain assassination by the rogue regime. amy:joins us with the latest. >> ahn worries the long arm of pyongyang will reach him if he is extradited was a former marine involved with an organization called free josie ahn, part of helping a diplomat
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defect, it happened in spain, collaborators on the embassy in madrid, staging a hostagetaking but it was really a ruse or cover to help someone who wanted to defect but ultimately changed his mind. now spain wants ahn for breaking into that embassy, assault and a few other charges. >> us government is trying to extradite me and it is disappointing that that is what they want to do but i have trust in the american government, and the american people. >> north korea has been known to execute regime opponents outside the country is witnessed by the killing of kim jong un's brother with a nerve agent in 2017. thanks all the people who supported him for what he did in trying to help someone get out
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of north korea and he said recently quoted as saying he hopes logic, common sense and the truth will make the day. todd: we were talking in the break about this case and something just doesn't add up. ashley: marionette miller meeks joins us live. >> download the fox super 6 apps and play for a chance to win 10,$000. all you need to do is predict 6 outcomes in the super 6 quiz show, topics range from entertainment to sports to which member of van halen was the best. the guy who was in there, it is free to play, we will be back. ♪♪
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hey, mom. i'll never say this but... - thanks for telling me everyone 12 and older is eligible for the covid-19 vaccine. (both) thank you for getting past our walls. - thanks, honey, for always being there for me. - thanks for letting me know, in clinical trials vaccines... - ...prevented nearly 100% of hospitalizations and deaths due to covid. - thank you for loving me that much. - thanks. .
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and their families, neutrogena® for people with skin. ♪ todd: lawlessness and chaos at the southern border assay mia. >> joining us with her message president biden and vice president harris. first off, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you so much for having me. jackie: of course. we are going to pull this fox news poll up. show what people issue facing the country tri. the economy and the coronavirus one and two. immigration and the border that comes in three. so, americans are making it very
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clear they have a message, too, for the president and vice president. what's your message after just being at the border? >> well, i think certainly what we know is that we don't have border security. so we have an influx of immigrants coming into our country illegally. that's pulling our border patrol agents off the border snored to process them. so far the biden administration's answer to the chaos at the border and disorder at the border is only to move people unaccompanied minors and families through the border as rapidly as possible. they are not being covid-19 tested. we have spoken with secretary mayorkas about this. we have sent letters. i even put forward a bill requesting that every person coming through the border is covid-19 tested. but they are transited through, put on planes and buses and going to some place within the interior and, you know, they are not even contacting the sponsors for individuals unaccompanied minors that are coming across the border. there is chaos there.there are .
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there are human smuggling as we know. the cartels are making tremendous amounts of money in bringing people across the border. and there's also individuals on the terror watch list who are coming across the border. it's imperative that we secure our border and also work on our broken immigration system. todd: my apologies for this question, congresswoman, because i know your race was the last one to wrap up in this current congress. but if biden and the democrats keep this up, do they have any chance of keeping congress in the midterms? >> i think that, you know, historically, in the midterms, the minority party does gain seats, typically that's an average of 27 seats. we can't rest on history. we have to go forward, make our case to the public. and already as i'm touring my district, i'm hearing that there is biden remorse. there are individuals who voted for president biden and now they are regretting their vote for president biden as they see the chaos. so we have chaos on the southern
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border. we have, you know, jobs report that was terrible, much less than predicted. so we have an economic problem going forward. and then we have a problem in the middle east. so we have got all these crises going on at the same time and i think that people are having some regrets over who they voted for this cycle, but we're going to have to work hard to show the american people that we have a plan, we have policies. and we are really driven to be able to put america first and get people back-to-work. get people vaccinated and get us out of this pandemic, secure the border. fully reopen our schools. you know, i talked about even reopening summer camps. and allowing children to go summer camp without masks. we have a lot to do going forward. but i think we can do that and we are putting forward policies that put america first. todd: meantime, congresswoman, no additional money for dhs, the topic we were just discussing. president biden is expected to buck the hide amendment in budget and strengthen pro-choice
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priorities. hyde amendment prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for most abortions. here is joe biden flip-flopping. >> for many years as u.s. senator i have supported the hyde amendment. but circumstances have changed. i have been working through the final details of my healthcare plan, and i have been struggling with the problems that hyde now presents. todd: have about a minute remaining, congresswoman. how worried should pro-lifers be about this move by biden. >> they need to be considerably worried. as i mentioned before people are having remorse who they voted for for president. this is a reason that they're. they felt that president biden his long history of support for the hyde amendment, his history as a senator, his comments on the campaign trail that he would continue to support the hyde amendment which prohibits, you know, federal funding for portions. we have introduced, you know, tried to introduce legislation to reinsert the hyde amendment.
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support for the hyde amendment in every legislation and every appropriations bill and that has been bucked by the majority party. so, i think they should be concerned and we're hoping that, you know, that he realizes his longstanding support for the hyde amendment should go forward and we should not be federally funding abortion. jackie: really quickly, as far as the point that it was once bipartisan, as far as his compromise, where did this bipartisan go? >> it used to bipartisan even ann wagner's born again survivor -- abortion survivor bill, that has had bipartisan support in the past. we put it forward. we even did a discharge position and all of the republicans have signed onto the discharge petition but no democrats have. about. jackie: interesting. all right.
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coming woman miller-meeks thank you and. >> thank you and have a good weekend. todd: you may have noticed some of us wearing poppies. this is in remembrance for those who lost their lives. thanks for getting these from american legion comes out of world war i but aprays to all wars. jackie: sounds good. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> bingsd is releasing a $6 trillion budget. >> we haven't seen this kind of spending since world war 2-6r7b8g9s this is too extreme and too expensive. >> origin on the covid-19 probe speaks out. >> data that disproportionately it come out of a lab. >> a new study found mass mandates use not with covid-19 spread. >> masks don't work all that well. it still spreads sphift the masking. >> atlanta city council


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